510 Mackenzie Ave
Revelstoke, BC
(205) 837-2071
Parish email: Revelstoke@nelsondiocese.org
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. James McHugh
Priest's email: Revelstoke.Pastor@nelsondiocese.org
St. Francis of Assisi Parish Centre
Facility Rental information
Rentals are available to the community at large.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish has a large Parish Centre that can be rented
For banquet functions,
Not-for-profit meetings and events,
Family functions and the like (Birthdays, Dinners, Anniversaries)
The Parish also has smaller classroom sized areas for
meeting areas and
short course opportunities at an hourly rate.
We do not rent the facilities for:
Religious Celebrations
Wedding of Funeral Celebrations or Receptions that have been celebrated outside the Catholic Church.
Political functions
Events contrary to the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church
Facility Rentals are subject to cancellation or rescheduling in the event of a Parish Function at the same time. (Examples: Funeral reception, Parish Meeting.)
Contact information
Long term rentals
We have long term (6 months - 1 year) office space available on a first come first served basis. Rent is set by the Finance Committee and Pastor of the Parish.
A rental/lease agreement must be approved by the Diocese of Nelson and signed by the Pastor and the prospective client before taking affect.
Appropriate insurance and business documentation is required for the rental.
Contact the Parish Office @ (250) 837 -2071 or by email at Revelstoke@nelsondiocese.org.