510 Mackenzie Ave
Revelstoke, BC
(250) 837-2071
Parish email: Revelstoke@nelsondiocese.org
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. James McHugh
Priest's email: Revelstoke.Pastor@nelsondiocese.org
Our Living Parish
Upcoming Events St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Mass with Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Wednesday Feb 12, at 9:00am in Revelstoke
2024 Tax receipts available beginning February 15 after the 5pm Mass.
Parish Council Meeting, Thursday February 20 @ 7pm in the Mother Laurena Room.
The Parish General Meeting is Scheduled for Thursday, March 13, at 7:00 pm in the Hall.
Ash Wednesday Mass is at 5pm (March 5)
Lenten Penitential Confession celebration is on Thursday, April 3 at 5:00 pm.
Announcements for OLOL Parish in Nakusp
Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Mass is celebrated on Tuesday, February 11 at 9:00am; World Day of the Sick - Anointing of the Sick will take place at this Mass as well.
Ash Wednesday Mass is at 9am on March 5th.